Lowes — Not able to purchase an item and no solution suggested

Made an attempt to purchase a home remodeling magazine and was told I could not purchase the magazine because the item number was not working. A manager was later involved and the response was the same. A stack of magazines was sitting out for customers to buy only to be told they aren’t sellable. The price of the magazine was stated on the front. My family and I are in the middle of renovations so this magazine seemed helpful but it’s not the magazine, it was the lack of effort displayed to try to help further. To simply tell a customer “sorry we can’t sell this to you” just didn’t seem acceptable. I decided to try to find the magazine elsewhere. Better customer service. If floor management can’t help then go higher. I don’t know of any business that would simply turn a paying customer away because of a faulty barcode. I would have paid that day even it it meant having a misc tab created that allowed me to make the purchase. Rating given for this experience only – otherwise I love Lowes

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