Louis F Wallace – New York

I met this man in the 90’s. He is a serial player. He claimed to be the love of my life and played me with different women. He even had a kid with one of these women while he was still in a relationhip with me. He doesn’t take care of his children he had with that one lady and *** knows if he had children with anyone else. He is a total player, spineless and not honest. I was with this man for 4 and half years but when he was becoming very distant and not returning my calls for two or more weeks..I let him go. I loved this person very much but what he was doing to me was wrong and impregnating another woman while with me..**** f****** no. And I found out this woman left him and got married with someone else over the years so he’s the one that should feel like s***. I don’t think he loves no one but himself and I think he served timed in jail. He has no contacts with his two kids. Luckily I have no kids with him and am I GLAD I didn’t. He should seek professional help. Steer clear of Louis F Wallace Jr..lives in Yonkers, NY..who knows where he lives now. He also likes to hit women. He punched me in the face a couple of times. He is a real douchebag.

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