Loblaws — No Stock

It seems everytime i go in the store to shop,the prices are going up,i go for the sales and never have the sale products.If you don,t go the morning of the new sale ,you can,t get anything.I went last week to get the halloween bars of 100,it was on a monday morning,none,went today a day after the sale started to get cream for my coffee,delite cream whitch was on sale,none,asked a manager if there was any out back,he said he,s not from this store ,he went out to look and none,i replied ,buy the sale just started,are you getting any in soon?He walked away.I shopped there for 25 years or more,fed up with everything there,was a loyal customer and now will be going elsewhere.Getting to the point that i can,t shop there anymore,getting too expensive,we are trying to make ends meat and just can,t shop there,have to go elsewhere for cheaper prices. put some good sales on so i can shop there and get the product in so everyone has a chance to buy it ,even if its a day or 2 later.

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