Farmer’s Market Russet Potatoes 4.54 kg 10 lb. bag, Product of Canada No. 1, Product Code 061483014786. These potatoes were moldy, black inside, both under the mold and elsewhere. Had to throw several potatoes out completely. Cutting half the black off the potatoes left small pieces instead of the whole potato. These potatoes are probably a couple years old and got wet, thus the mold. I will return the potatoes to Loblaws and get my money back but perhaps you can check on this matter further so that other people won’t have this bad experience. By making sure this does not happen in the future. Why do the Maritimes get the bad potatoes and the good ones go to other countries? You should make sure we are happy customers too. Once we buy a product from Loblaws, we should be satisfied with it and not have to go trudging back to the store with a bad product in hand.