Liv Meisner — Medicine Hat, Canada

This girl is the sluttixst they come, she broke her boyfriend’s d**k And told the whole school shows she doesn’t know how to have s3x, she looks like she’s been injected with Botox in every photo. She blamed her boyfriend for cheating 7 times when she kissed four girls in under 24 hours while being with her boyfriend. Uses people for the things they have.. this freeloader scrxwed a guy in a school bathroom, not even her parents want her at this point and her mans left, she’s abusive and toxic and will take whatever she wants from you even if she claims to be your best friend. She takes money from her parents and forces drama into other people and when shxt gets heated she runs and hides behind other people, she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend at the time. She claims to be all that and says she will beat you but when you confront her she runs and doesn’t do anything. DE, And watch out guys she never uses protection. She uses people and once she’s done with them she ghosts them and spreads rumors around about them and lies when you talk to her about it, she posts story pictures on her Instagram and her fake friends had her up and applauds her grossness, she tries to tell people she isn’t a ***** but in fact, she acts like such a huge whole and would fxuck anyone who asked

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