Linen Sheets — Alpena, Arkansas

So everything u claimed to stand for was not only a lie but, should of come out as a freaking flashing warning sign.To think I ever called u one of my own cherished friends. How did I miss that u r and, always have chosen to b a complete sl*t. I wyd say wh*re but, the difference between the 2 is that at least wh*res get paid. I must thank u though for one thing……u have made me realize that I can do and, deserve far better than either of u r capable of being. Thank u for opening my eyes truly to how much time I have wasted and the amount of energy I funneled into 2 barely human beings. Now I can move on with myself, without the burden of decaying deadweight for riding my days and, suffocating my nites. The 2 of u sincerely deserve one another. Ur cut from the same **** sneered cloth and there for r both pretty ****** ppl. Neither of u can b trusted, respected, or appreciate being loved.Its rather pathetic in all seriousness.It must suck knowing u will never amount to anything because u don’t have the heart or strength to b anything more than a cheap semi serious but definitely not life stopping obstacle.So u took ur worthless pitiful shot and did u in true u fashion, ******* around again. R u proud of urself. What the **** have u accomplished other than yet again showing ur ugliness in full affect. Pat u on the back, once u get off of it. Congrats ur useless, worthless and, will b remembered a nothing more than a smear or wet spot.

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