Lindsay Thornsberry Hager — Pikeville, Kentucky

She was my best friend for 10 years, our daughters were best friends. We lived in Lexington, when we were introduced by mutual friends. We became very close even though there was a 9 year age difference. De we shopped and worked out together, our girls went to preschool together. When she moved back to our hometown of Pikeville and her husband started making good money as a doctor, she slowly started drifting from me. I thought it was distance, but turns out all the times I was shopping for her and my husband was taking her purchases to her, they started an affair.

My husband planned a 16 year anniversary trip for us to Sandals. Then he starts acting weird and so does so she. Next thing I know, they got caught at a bed & breakfast in Pikeville by her husband.

We have both since divorced our spouses. But they do nothing but treat us cruel and use my child to hurt me. My ex had my ex bff’s sister show up at a hair salon that I was taking my child to and attacked me and hurt not only me but my daughter, yet she wanted to prosecute me!! Luckily I had witnesses that saw her attack me.

He is late on his child support always, he didn’t pay my car insurance as was agreed upon in the divorce, I had an accident with over $20,000 worth of medical bills. He files bankruptcy soon after.

She went around telling my friends lies about me and I have had nothing but drama. Her other sister has physically threatened me on social media. they have made fun of me, they called my boyfriend’s parents and my boyfriends telling more lies.

So not only did they have an affair ( and they included the kids and had them lie to us) they have tried to constantly harass me. They are now living together, but when she runs out of money, she will be on the lookout for a new one. Cause my ex has no money.

She is used to having a half a million dollar house, drives a Lexus, carrying Louis Vuitton purses, while I struggle to make ends meet. They have cost me jobs, humiliation by telling people on social media that I had to get Medicaid, what they didn’t tell was I had to pay the hospital bills from my accident that should of been covered if my ex had not of cancelled my car insurance. And btw, they were in Cancun while this happened.

They both drink and drive with the children in the car and the judge even heard this admitted by them,, but still cannot get full custody. She has been cruel to my child and beats her own until Social Services was called!!!

She is nothing but a ****!! She even called my ex old and gay when confronted by her husband. The thing is she didn’t want to get caught, she just was jealous of my life, cause she didn’t get enough attention. She is a spoiled diva that will get hers one day!!

What’s sad is her family and my ex’s has accepted the affair and everything they have done. I have an EPO on her sister and my ex takes my child around her even though he knows he is not supposed to. That will be another court hearing. Lindsay’s own mom had the same thing happen to her, her bff took her husband. Of course I didn’t know at the time that she too had cheated and had a baby by another man while married. Maybe this is a genetic flaw!!!!

This has been going on since 2011 and I’m sick of them and want her exposed for the nasty piece of trash ***** that she really is. People thinks she is sweet, well I have news for them. She and her family are pure trash!! How can anyone do that to their best friend!!! I expect it out of men, because they are all dirtbags, but not a girl you felt like was your sister!!

I pray that Karma gets her one day and him, and that I have a front row seat!!

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