Lindsay Reis — United Kingdom

Lindsey Reis and her mother Adealia are a real piece of work. They think their s*** don’t stink and that everyone around them is below them. Lindsay spends about an hour and a half every morning putting on her makeup so she can cover up the nasty person she really is. They try to control everyone around them to suit their needs. Let’s see now. Lindsey’s mother Adealia has been married twice and divorced twice. But somehow she thinks she’s a big expert on family. Lindsay was pregnant at 16 and still lives at home with her mommy and her 14 year old daughter. 14 years and never got her own place. Now Lindsay is engaged to a guy named Lenny. Poor guy needs to get a prenup. And now that his future mother-in-law is living in the house with him he doesn’t have a chance. Anything this guy says or does the two of them will gang up on him and get their own way. This poor guy has no idea what he’s getting himself into. Lindsey is also a s***** mother who teaches her daughter how to lie and manipulate people to get what they want. Lindsay has kept her daughter away from her father and extended family for most of her life. Lindsay has denied her daughter the right to know her full identity. The daughter has missed out on so many wonderful occasions with her other family and the chance to develop relationships with them. Lindsay just wants to make the other side of the family to completely disappear. Lindsay is a spoiled brat that has temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her own way. Or gets something that she wants. Lindsay is disrespectful rude and talks down to people like their dirt. She really does think she is something special. Lindsey has been proposed to before but said no because the ring wasn’t good enough. Selfish and greedy. Lindsay and her mother need a reality check. Lindsey’s daughter has a wonderful family on the dad’s side that love her very much and want to spend time with her but Lindsay is a narcissist who wants to control everybody. Fortunately when you keep a child from their family they will rebel in their teens. And they’ll hate you for what you’re doing to them. Kids aren’t stupid they know what’s going on around them and it won’t take her long to figure out that her mother is a big bullshitter. Lindsey even changed her daughter’s name to try and erase the other family. Parental alienation is a crime. Well I guess there is one good thing about this, I hear Lyndsay is getting fat lol oh I love carma. Lindsay has tortured the father’s family for years dangling her daughter in front of their face. Just like she’s a piece of property. So if you see this Lenny with the construction company. Watch your back because it won’t be long and you’ll have a couple of knives in it. Lindsay’s favourite thing to do is stab people in the back. So if you see these two on the street don’t be fooled buy the big smiles and the 10 lb of makeup. Behind it all is a black black heart.

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