Lindsay Olson — Vernon, Canada

Lindsay is a *** addict, Pepsi addict, and alcoholic she loves a da **** so much she refuses to wear condoms and knowingly is spreading around genital stds to dozens of guys every couple weeks to months depending on her cravings. Lindsay will *** anybody and i mean A-NY-Y BODY, gay-straight, married, anyone with a footlong or longer. 11 inches is not enough to *** for free, if it’s smaller than 12 she charges $66 a Bj $100 *** which I thought was a great coupon deal but why pay if so many guys get it for free?. She has to be fuked so hard it hurts and she can’t walk or it’s not good enough for her at 200 bodies under her belt she is an expert and will do whatever you like. She has the worst hack **** jobs ever seen nestled beside valleys of stretch marks its a wonder guys don’t throw up while fuking her, looks like they cut her open with a swiss army knife looking at the scars there so think. She is a compulsive liar every word she speaks is a lie to her family friends BF’s *** toys every word every time is a lie. Her favorite place for a date is cars if she doesn’t know your name even better she’ll enter you as random #178. She has balooned to the size of a baby orca whale/adult walrus depending on if it’s a front or side view. No wonder guys call her cellulite sally behind her back. With only three boyfriend and over 200 guys + counting she’s fuked ( the number continually increases daily so please ask her for the accurate amount and update us when you see her if she even knows) doing the math that’s 1% of guys she sleeps, that would even think she’s acceptable to date, that’s a pathetically low number. Even a newborn baby giraffe or the toothless hooker on Pandosy has a higher chance of finding love. DO NOT BRING HER AROUND CHILDREN her fingers are covered in Pepsi residue. Pros Of Dating Lindsay She will *** guys in your house while you out of town and paying her to babysit. She’s a narcissist obsessed with how great she is meanwhile no one even wants to be her friend never mind date her She will use you for money, & even steal money when the opportunities tightdotn trust her, or she’ll rob you & leave you with nothing but an stds prescription. She will cheat on you guaranteed 1000% BUDDY BUDDY She’s got a VERY VERY BIG ****** (EAST INDIAN ACCENT) Best of all she won’t even charge you for the stds, she probably won’t even tell you to consider it a door prize, every contestant gets one for free for joining Her dad doesn’t even want her around he’s embarrassed how much of a ***** she is, she had to move cities to Vernon from Cherryville after fuking the entire community from Elders to baby boomers from gas station attendants to transients. The bigger the better but she will try anything once so if see her take a shot and whip your **** out you might get lucky or you might get stds but as they say life’s a gamble. If you could even get her to admit to std herpes shed say its for cold sores but if you call Nolan’s pharmacy In Vernon & ask what it cost for a dose of App-valaciclovir is for Genital stds and they’ll tell you $20.84 to the penny you get a different dose & amount for cold sores… LYING *****, EVERY WORD EVERY TIME. She is always easy to find on TINDER as your friendly neighborhood *****. **** meat sandwiches for breakfast are always on the menu. No one will date her but everyone’s had a turn. Guys if your ***** small than 12 inches you have no chance or she will then won’t call you back again ever. Make sure you wrap it that scarred up stretched marked ***** has been having unprotected *** with anyone anywhere that seems fitting at the time. to even up your chances of getting laid or getting STDS to bring some PEPSI or ecstasy pills you are guaranteed to leave with a happy ending or a lifetime of powders creams and pills or maybe if you’re lucky both. P.S. she has genital STDS if you didn’t catch that part before. She’s one of the worst people on planet earth she’s fake she’s pretending she likes and dislikes whatever you do. She’s told so many lies she doesn’t know the truth anymore. She pretends to be a good drug-free loyal trustworthy girl, truth is she does any drug she can get her hands, on she’s a pathological liar, a thief, a *****, and the most toxic person you could have in your life. She **** as far south as Kelowna as far north as Revelstoke and as far west as Kamloops she will drive anywhere to get ****. DE RUN ***** RUN

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