Lili Zarkout — Texas

Do not trust this dirty B****! She works at [REDACTED] in Arlington. She will break up a family and *** your man behind your back. She likes to smoke meth and ***. She has multiple *** buddies. One of them is my husband. She’s been fuking him on and off for over a year now and fuked one of her ex-husband David’s best friends. She is not to be trusted around your family. She lies and steals to get her to fix either meth or heroin. If you want a *** buddy you can go to [REDACTED] and find her buy her a match and she will suck your **** for a five-dollar match. She also gave my man a disease that I caught from him awhile back. This ***** is a true dirty sk@nk homewrecking ***** and also tricks herself for money.

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