Libby Paulsen — Nashville, Tennessee

This chick…where to begin. First of all she has a kid from her ex but she’s such a deadbeat that he has custody of the little boy and the kid considers his step mom to be his mother more than her. Of course that’s because she only sees the kid like once a month. Otherwise she’d rather **** around. I thought she was a friend and invited her to live with me and my boyfriend. I should have known better since she cheated on her ex with their roomate. Sure enough she started trying to **** my boyfriend and then lied and convinced him I was cheating! He kicked me out after that. After all was said and done he realized how crazy she was, took me back, and told me EVERYTHING. First of all she was never into him. She only got me kicked out because she knew I was going to kick her out since she wasn’t paying anything and the place was always a wreck even though she didn’t have a job. I’d come home from work and have to clean up after her nasty ***. Once she was with my boyfriend she still refused to get a job and instead made him get a second one to pay rent by himself since I’d paid half before. Then she would invite guys over while he was gone. He found proof on her facebook after she left it logged in on his tablet and was having a conversation with some guy who was driving down to bone her. He confronted her about it and she claimed to be pregnant with his kid to try and get him to stay with her. Maybe she actually did get pregnant but I doubt it. He believed it and stayed with her. During this time he started telling him to call her Marissa because she was the reincarnation of a russian princess with the heart of a dragon meant to save the world. She also told him he needed to find his “spirit tiger” because she had one that protected her and it needed a mate. She used to steal his (legally prescribed) vicadin and take it while he was gone. One day he came home and she was gone but her kid (who was visiting her for once) was at his place ALONE. The kid was 2. She showed up an hour later and when he got onto her she claimed she’d only down to check the mail and had only been gone for like two minutes. He called the kid’s Dad and he and the stepmom showed up to pick up the kid looking terrified. You could tell the dad really cares about his kid. Then she got mad at my boyfriend and left him. She went to stay with a friend and a couple of lesbians. The friend tried to kick her out after a week but she’d started ******* the lesbians so they let her stay. She’s very VERY straight by the way and is anti-lgbt but willing to screw anyone for a place to stay. After that she kept calling my boyfriend and telling him that she was going to curse him and that her tiger would rip him apart in his sleep. He asked about the baby and she told him there never was one because *** intervened on her behalf so the baby wouldn’t have a father like him. That’s about when he called me after realizing that she was probably lying about everything. We’ve heard about her since. She was living in a homeless shelter for a while, then in an apartment with like 6 different guys. One of them was a buddy of my boyfriend’s and admitted that they were all ******** her and that’s how she paid rent. Then she got fired from a job at Moes for ******** a guy in the freezer. She ended up doing coke in a hotel room with a guy who claimed to be her boyfriend’s dad and screwed him. Found out that the guy was lying to get in her pants and didn’t know her boyfriend at all. Now it seems like she’s finally getting her life together and she lives with like 4 other guys in a really nice house and is engaged to some guy who looks like he does meth. Unfortunately her facebook is still logged in on my boyfriend’s tablet and she’s cheating on her fiance with her cousin (not biological, he was adopted by her aunt and uncle).

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