Leticia Quezada — Four Oaks, North Carolina

This “woman” goes by Letty. Since she’s an illegal immigrant she’s a hard person to find. She met my fiance if 5 years on craigslist. She would come to my house and have *** with him on my couch and in my bed. After just 2 weeks of talking she convinced him to give her her 3rd child. Tes thats right. 3 baby daddies. He called me from my mom’s house with her sitting there and told me he didn’t want to be with me anymore he wanted her. So she KNEW about me. When I convinced her she said she thought he left me for her. When him and I worked everything out she refused to let him have anything to do with his child. She collects child support but won’t let him see his child because he didn’t stay with her. She is a crazy home wrecker that’s childish. She is looking for a man that will take care of her and her family. My fiance and I didn’t work out in the end because I couldn’t get over all this. But in the end she didn’t get my man and he has to pay child support for a kid he can’t even see. Karma it’s a *****. Btw these pics are from when they were together. She’s wearing his hat in my car and he took that pic of her on a humvee at his unit.

1 thought on “Leticia Quezada — Four Oaks, North Carolina

  1. Lol your a trip for puttin someone on blast like that when you the one who ONVIOUSLY lackinn pleasing the package
    If ya know what I mean 😁

    But, hey it’s a free country as far as press so your opinion was heard. I wrote a thingamajig too

    Read it. Sighed COREY AMOND

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