Leilani Moore — San Diego, California

This fuking *****. Hooked up with my boyfriend but GET THIS. Her slootty *** gives him a touch of head and then decides on their VERY FIRST TIME HOOKING UP. To have him *** her in the ***. This worked out since it was the cleanest part of her….. her stank ***. Did I mention this was after shaking my hand and acting like she was a decent human being….. and her man doesn’t know a thing about her bag h0eing activities. De she fuked some dude for some meth and a 5$ bill. And got a job at a dispensary by giving one of the guys a ********. Here we are a year later and this ***** is calling my man’s phone talking about its joe Miller ***** your a sad pathetic excuse of a woman. I am stretching it here by even claiming you’re a woman. Bag *** cvm guzzling *****. I bid you good day xoxo.

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