Lego — Billing and shipping

Lego shipped an item to me but never charged my card. A year later, I get my order put on hold. When I call, they tell me they never billed me, but shipped the item to me. The customer service agent then started saying how I have their unpaid product in my home and need to pay up for it. I explained that it wasn’t my fault that they shipped me something they never billed. It was their business mistake. He continued to tell me that I need to make up for that mistake immediately. That no one has control over how these mistakes are made. He said because the item was back-ordered, the time Lego had to bill me probably ran out, so now I was basically stealing from Lego by keeping unpaid merchandise in my home. I shouldn’t be paying for Lego’s mistake a year later or made to feel like a criminal because they shipped me something they never charged me for. In good faith, I gave them my payment. It’s not my fault they never billed it. They should refund the amount I paid them for the item they never charged me for. I was so flustered being told I was stealing from them, that I gave them payment. They should eat their mistake, not make me feel like a criminal for something that went wrong on their end.

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