Leena Del Percio — Chicago, Illinois

Leena Lyn can be found in the bathroom stall of the men’s room at bars like Crossing and TCs. She’s blown me twice in there for a few lines. She has a dude who she’s playin. Poor s.o.b doesn’t realize it but half my crew has hit it. He’s up in his feelings over this slob who can’t go a day without blow in her nose or a needle in her arm. Sad to think this ***** has a poor lil kid at home she neglects while she’s out getting a train ran on her for some dope. The only time this ***** is sober is when she’s photoshopping her Facebook pics to catfish that she’s attractive. When she’s not in the bar you’ll find her out with dudes in cars in the back lot slobbin for a high. She ain’t nothing but drama

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