Lee Champigny and Leanne Steinberg, Springfield, Massachusetts

Alas…..after 2 years I knew Lee was lying and cheating. He was superb at hiding stuff….especially Leanne Steinburg. His NEW girlfriend. I feel completely betrayed and feel like a fool. Shame on her for letting it happen… Although I’m sure he’s sweet talking her just as he did to me. Ya’ll can call me crazy, BUT you can’t blame someone for feeling this way after being lied to, and cheated on….sleeping with someone else (he was my boyfriend for 2 years as he slept with SOMEONE else before we broke up). I feel scorned and manipulated and felt like hooker as he “bought me” through our last several months. Helping me when I needed help more so than usual. NOW it makes sense to me….De he felt guilty for lieing and cheating, he helped me because it made him feel better……this, sadly wasn’t for me…it was solely for his conscious. After we broke up he even told me he would be single for a long time. LIES People ask me who have seen this post, “why are you destroying a good mans name”? GOOD MAN? HE’S A CHEATER AND A LIAR. I’ve never once lied or cheated on him, treated him w respect AND dignity. Leanne Steinberg posted a comment on an OPEN FORUM that she “needs to buy latex free condoms and and outfit for an overnight with her man” ….where they went on an overnight rendezvous to the beach. WHO in their right mind would post something like that? He and I made a few *** tapes….does this mean I should post these on an OPEN FORUM??? Hek no. I’m not a *****. So for whoever reads this know that she is a tramp and he is a liar and cheater. Leopards never change their spots. Again, you all can call me crazy, or say I’m looking for attention…Ummm no. If I wanted attention I would be posting our intimate details on you-tube, twitter etc….actually….that’s not such a bad idea….releasing our *** tape for the world to see. Just as Leanne did….posting inappropriate stuff on the www. Maybe I should shame him as he shamed me (by f****** someone else as he was f****** me) OR maybe I should post the naked photos he had sent me of himself. I am a scorned woman who is very upset and devastated about this. All he had to do was call me to talk, not break up with me via a TEXT! I’ve never yelled at him (like he’s done to me…holy temper). Good Luck Leanne Steinberg. Im sure he’s already dropped the “L” word to you, as he did to me 3 weeks after dating. He too took me away on an overnight weekend to the beach as well just a couple weeks after we started dating. Good luck Leanne….enjoy your “honeymoon stage”. Although he has already lied to you and CHEATED on you, with ME. I was in a 2 yr relationship with Lee…you must be desperate. Pathetic. I’m getting the word out so no-one else makes this mistake.

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