Lazaette Ball — Reidsville, North Carolina

This woman Lazaette Ball TRIED to steal my husband. She presents herself as a Christian woman and as a saint and perfect mother and grandmother on Facebook, but don’t let that fool you. She is the devil in disguise. She will whisper sweet nothings in your husband’s ear. It starts out innocent, playing card games, words with friends, and scrabbles; then BAM she is talking to them about their personal life, and then hook line and sinker she thinks she has a sugar daddy. She was telling him how I was mistreating him and how I shouldn’t spend HIS money and he should move up with her and they would have a good life. She got my telephone number and taunted me with pictures of herself because I am a little overweight. She sent me pictures of herself in nighties and said “this is what he has now” What kind of “Christian” woman is that? I am Beautiful INSIDE and OUT. And look great in nighties by the way! Well, he left for a little while, and his eyes were opened wide, that he HAD left the best thing he ever had in the world. We are now working to repair our marriage and leave this scum in the past. Just beware ladies this woman is a troll and the devil in disguise! *** doesn’t bless people like this!

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