Layla Bloomstrand — Edmonton, Canada

Ladies and gents meet Layla Bloomstrand 100 percent you have heard of this trick before she was known as the Northsides biggest thotty & known for giving other dudes std. She ruined her life by fuking everybody’s boyfriends and then went ghost for a couple years on social media platforms but she was still fuking everybody’s dudes on the low and being an floozy but she’s back and all fuked up on meth and heroine the poor trick doesn’t even know her so called boyfriend comes to my spot all the time and tells me she’s just a freak for his drugs and just a place to hide out HA HA HA I heard she keeps getting stds from fuking around and blames him this poor girl is so mentally fuked in the head she ran away and was trying to move to a small town probably because she did something here but she couldn’t last there without drugs so she came back and is all tweaked out again De No word of a lie I’ve hung out with her before and she fuken reeeeaked like moldy laundry and sardines 🤢she always cried around when she was younger that her brother raped her and these days they are the closest people around soo out of ones mind stay away from this creeper she will *** your man in a heart beat she only cares about herself and when it’s beneficial for herself, she will do you crafty and then cry about it after so you feel bad.

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