Laurie Lyn — Canada

This chick is on her third set of fake ***** – thinks she is all that and a cup of coffee – her mother abandoned her and put her with child services as a child. We used to talk before our shows and she is the most arrogant piece of trash you would ever see – my shows had more tips then hers and that would cause her to do drugs drink and fight. (Charges arrived there) Can’t remember his name but her son was home alone all the time , whoop whoop mother of the year!! Guess what folks the bit$$ thinks she stepped up by dating and calfing a child to a TO Police Officer – Girl, half of us are sleeping with your “Sean” whats that old tune I used to dance to , dream on dream on dream on. Sean is the last thing you can call faithful we have a “date” scheduled next week – so a TO Police Officer that can pay HUGE$$ to his ex and daughter and your support your dirty a$$. Fantasy comes in all styles these days. I hated you from the day I met you! Mother of the year award!! whoop whoop

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