Laurie Healey — Calgary, Canada

De I’ve come across some seriously stupid people throughout my life but nobody tops Laurie Healey. A few words to sum up what kind of person Laurie Healey is… Pathological liar, selective racist, bipolar, sociopathic junkie. This woman has an opinion on everything under the sun. She pretty much claims she knows everything but the truth is all she does is repeat what her favorite youtube conservatards are saying in their videos like ex pig Brandon Tatum. One minute this woman is calling all cops racist, oppresive, woman raping pigs, then in a blink of an eye she flip flops and becomes pro blue after watching a few Tatum videos on youtube. Kind of weird considering she claims she was raped by a cop in Calgary. She calls all black people dumb yet says she fights for the rights of black children. She’s also back at it again with her racism against indigenous peoples. This moronic drug addict can’t have a conversation with anyone without snapping and freaking out. I find this also hilarious considering she claims liberals are always trying to force their beliefs on everyone but the truth is she is a hypocrite who does the exact same **** she claims liberals do. Probably one of the meanest people you will ever encounter in life. She will talk trash about anyone including children, babies and the elderly. It’s no wonder her kid was taken away from her. I would disown my mother if she acted like this. Last but not least a message to your stupid *** Laurie… You do not speak for myself or the rest of the black community so shut your hypocritical lying racist mouth!

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