Lauren Escobar — Georgia

Here you guys go, one for the books here. I was engaged and soon to be married, but not before this woman stepped into the picture knowing that my fiancé was engaged, and willingly slept with him while he was drunk and encouraged NO condom. She was trying to have a baby and get pregnant with my fiancé, what a nasty hoe. I hope anyone reading this knows she is a marriage ruiner and is out to get knocked up by anyone who will sleep with her. She slept with him the first night they met, how many others will she do it to? Absolutely disgusting and she deserves to be exposed. We had been trying for a baby and lost babies and then here comes captain ***** and ruins my marriage. I’ll deal with my man, but really Lauren??? You’re freaking gross and pathetic. What “woman” does that? Hopefully you’re newly engaged fiancé knows what a nasty female you are. This is the type to get checked for drds lol I literally can’t even. Trying to ruin a family and then says that we’re the crazy ones? At least I wasn’t trying to get knocked up by a stranger and ruin someone’s marriage, you dirty *****. Thanks for trying to ruin my family and my marriage, you’re a disgrace of a “woman”.

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