Lauren Dangerfield — Lexington, South Carolina

So me and my husband got married in 2015 I thought we were happy I worked and he stayed home with my kids just because that’s what worked best for us, well this **** Lauren Dangerfield ammited to me that she met my husband jason boucher at my kids school she said she new we were married and she didn’t care she new everything about my house my job my kids said she would come over to my house while I was at work and **** my husband said she was there one day when I called him with a problem at work…well I obviously left my husband because not only is he a cheater he also beat me so when I left him they were offically dating jokes on her though she must not know her new position as side chick was open and he did the same thing to her lol she tried to appoligize to me and be my friend that didn’t go over well for her she is a major **** and will obviously give her ***** up for a bag of weed she’s a fugly **** LAUREN DANGERFIELD OF LEXINGTON SC.

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