Lasondra Taylor — Georgia

I discovered my Truck driver husband was having an affair on New Years eve when I checked our PO Box and it was a letter from Wells Fargo Bank which indicated a joint account with the above female. Of course he was receiving online statements, but what he failed to know is the bank will mail product info to the address. I also discovered receipts in a bag that was once on the truck with her name on it in another state which indicated they were on the road together. Of course he denied everything, and later stated he knew her father and she was helping him with business, he never met her in person only spoke via email. I received an emal from her 6 days after he was caught and she also stated it was only business, she never met him in person, she wouldnt never mess with a married man, I have nothing to worry about. I asked that he leave the house because I knew it was all a lie. I began researching and found the purchases made on the wells fargo acct by her debit card, in different states, a tv that was in his truck purchased by her from finger hut, a tmobile phone he had that was only for outgoing calls that was in her mother’s name. Was also so sad is her other and family knew she was involved with a married man and helped them with the affair. He denied everything, and after 30 days he finally said he did speak with her on the phone and met her in person in georgia but still denied any relations with her. He is still out of the house, on 2-26-17 he just text stating I know I cheated on you but I was stopping it, and I dont like where we are. So im sending this because this woman knew he was married, and still did her part and was so sad lied for him after he was caught on several occasions. I have proof of everything and have saved every email and text between us all. Now that he is caught and out the house he doesnt even want her. Its amazing how the other woman appear so fun and appealing when its done in secret but when all facts are out they are no longer wanted.


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