Lask Roofing & Siding — Refuse to finish the job

My gutters are clogged, they have a lifetime guarantee. I called first about a month ago was told I had to wait for Dave to call me for an appointment. I waited 3 days no call so I called again. I was told again had to wait for Dave to get around to it, he sets his own appointments so I just had to wait. The receptionist said maybe Wed. of next week, I called again the next week on Wed. and was told the same story about waiting for Dave to call me. I then resigned myself to wait for Dave to call. Dave did not call instead he showed up at my house when I was not home and left a handwritten note in my mailbox saying he couldn’t do the job because my water wasn’t on, and according to his note he intended to just show up unannounced the next time he was nearby my house. I called to say this was unacceptable because I was promised an appointment. Now I am last in the rotation again. Yesterday 9/25/18 I got a call that Dave would maybe come between 1-3 if it wasn’t raining and that I would get a call before he came. He didn’t come and I got no call and it did not rain until well after 3:00. I called this morning and talked to Dwayne. He assured me that Lask Roofing can not retaliate against me and refuse to do the job. I need this work done because when it rains my house floods due to the clogged gutters. I feel I am being punished by the company because I called many times. I have been respectful on the phone every time but am still not getting treated correctly.

Lask Roofing & Siding
1101 22nd St
Rockford, IL 61108-3541
(815) 964-4000

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