LaRose Jones Lovett — Jacksonville, Florida

This is a follow-up story of how I became a victim of my supportive husband of 30 years having a dirty fling with a dirty old ***** name Larose Lovett who is a retired teacher with the local school district in Jacksonville, Florida. He met this old female with a stink ****** in March 2012 on a TV chat line. This ***** placed an ad stating: She was looking for a married man to have some adult fun with her. At that time she was 59 years old, and he was 53 years old. We start dating when I was in high school, in which we dated for 3 years before we decided to get married. I was 19 years old and he was twenty-three years old. We have 3 grown children and 1 teenager during the time this sexual fling was taken place for 12 months. Larose proposition my husband for *** because her husband who was a pastor at some church was 70 years old, and he had a stroke that left him impotent, so she decided she target my husband to supply her dirty sexual needs. I became ill with several disabling medical conditions that cause us to have a minor strain in our marriage, and my husband who was an innocent minister of the cloth in which this ***** caused a righteous man to go astray in an evil way, and she was a so-called “First Lady” ***** who has been married 3 times fell weak to the temptations of the devil whose name is Satan.

He committed a sinful, regretful, and evil act of allowing this ***** to entice him to start a sexual fling with her in which she labeled as having “adult fun”. My husband said he advised this ***** that from the start that he loved his wife and it was only a sexual fling nothing else. As I was told by my husband who I have been with for many years is not a liar, he will tell the truth in any situation that he is confronted with. Larose wanted him to move out of town with her, she wanted to buy him gifts in which he told her it was not that kind of relationship. He was not going to leave his wife and children to be with her. She was a dirty old side ***** who he slept with 12 times in 12 months because he was ashamed to be with her in private or public because her sexual performance was below average for her age group. As a female, you know how the body makes all kinds of changes after a female at the age of 59 have a tummy tuck, full hysterectomy, and not to mention post-menopausal that her body is not attracting or satisfying a man’s sexual needs… *** had shown me in a dream he was having an affair, but *** was allowing him to break it off before he intervenes. These two servants of *** knew they were sinning, but continue to indulge in sin because of this sexual demon that was upon them. In August 2013, *** intervenes, after I went for my annual exam, and came home and confronted him with the ultimate question; was he having an affair.

He stated yes, and he called her on the phone, and he told her it was over because his wife had a disease and he had warned her previously that he did not want his wife hurt. After a few days, she continues to text him stating that she did not like the way the relationship terminated and that she was concern if his wife had been back to the doctor to see what disease she had. After 1 month from the last text, she contacted him via text to tell him that she was disease-free, by completing all of her antibiotics, and he could continue to screw her. He replied to her to never contact him again. My husband said he was looking for an escape to get out of that relationship because he said she wanted more of his time, he always had to look over his shoulder to see who was watching him beside ***, and she was such a dirty ***** that she would lay on his dirty cargo van bed that was parked on random street corners. There were limitations has to move so no one would see the van rocking such as a police officer, and she degraded herself to wipe the ***** out of her ****** with dry paper towels not soap, towel, water, and feminine wipes. This ***** was an old ugly retired teacher, but she was lacking common or street sense when it comes to a married or single man. He used her body for Legs-Open-Very-Easy, and she thought it was L-O-V-E until she went bragging to her elderly friend that she found a good man, not knowing that good man was already taken for 30 years by a good woman in which she indicated to him that she could not compete with those 30 years. She did not have anything on me because I was the true “first lady who was young, beautiful, smart, and intelligent, who had his children, and was successful in accomplishing all of her educational goals of having ***’s knowledge and wisdom, and acquiring two education master’s degrees while working, and taking care of a husband and four children.

I did not choose to write this story just to expose this ***** as a homewrecker, but I wanted to have this story publish for awareness to all married women and men that this is the greatest pain that a spouse could go through in their marriage no matter how long they have been married. The aftermath of an affair will greatly impact the wife as well as the children. In addition this ***** is trying to hide in the church and say she is a woman of *** that did not commit this evil sin with my husband. She wants her intermediate family, church family, BCU family and friends, FB friends, and co-workers to think that she did not do these acts of sins, but she is a hypocrite. Prior to her meeting my husband, she slept with my husband’s pastor, and he coerces her into having a sexual fling with my husband because he HATES!!!!!! Me and my family so much he wanted to hurt me severely, but it backfired in both of their faces because their sin has made me become a stronger woman of ***. BE AWARE!!!! This is a dirty old stink ***** that is on the “loose” that is looking to have some adult fun with married men with a preference for men of ***, such as pastors, elders, ministers, deacons, and laymen’s of the church. This is an experienced old dirty ***** who has a past and a future of having adulterous affairs because her husband is old and impotent.

ATTENTION: Married and single ladies, be careful having this woman hanging around in the presence of your husband or boyfriend because Satan will tempt your man if he is weak in the flesh, not the spirit to fall into this evil spider web of Larose Lovett. In the midst of my husband sinful actions that cause him to fall (in which he got back up), he remained a “Good Man” as a husband and father by taking care of all his family needs, he did not spend the night out, he spent quality time with his family, he prayed for his family, for his home to be safe, he provided for his family financially and was an encourager to them on a daily basis. He has always been a “good man” and will remain a “good man” until he dies. He was a “good man” that fell in the eyes of ***, not a perfect man. *** is the only perfect man on earth and in heaven. My husband has repented with a sincere remorseful heart to *** and being the merciful *** that we serve he has restored my husband. I have a new husband as well as a great friend, we renewed our vows in Cali 2014, and my children and I have forgiven him, and we are rebuilding our marriage on a daily basis with the strength of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Trust me it was not easy to forgive him but with ***’s help, it can be done. All marriages are different, couples’ problems are different, and their problems are handled in a different manner. As a true Christian woman, I weighed the good and the bad things that my husband has done in this marriage by placing it on a scale. On one side of the scale, he had 1,000+ good things he has done, and on the other side, he had 1 bad act within 30 years that he has done. In this case, the good outweighs the bad, so therefore forgiveness was granted.

Within these 3 years, Larose Lovett has not confessed her sins to her stroke stricken husband, nor has she admitted that she was wrong for this sexual fling, and she has not asked me, my husband, or ***, to forgive her for her sins. Instead, she had sent me nasty text messages, emails, and phone calls in an attempt to try to degrade me by talking about my appearance and character, and she does not know me, has never seen me, or know anything about me. She calls me names, such as psycho, crazy, lazy, and ugly. The names she calls me is a true description of her appearance and character. This female has a criminal past in which she has been in the county jail six times for writing worthless checks, and she stole my husband’s check. As of today, she put on this holy-than-thou personality before her family and friends. She thinks she is getting by but she is not getting it anyway. *** says in his word: Vengeance is his he shall repay, and we are going to reap what we sowed, and that no sin will go unpunished. She has not repented for her sins, and she continues to sin with other women’s husbands, not mine. Two people may choose their sin but they cannot choose the consequence that is ***’s choice. In closing, I made no attempt to just bash this ***** and not my husband this was for exposure purposes ONLY!!! . Larose is a very sick in the head female that during and after this affair she thought she was his wife, and I was the side ***** this is why she can speak to me in the manner that she has. Readers, please understand that my husband had to endure many consequences for his sinful acts. His life has not been a bed of roses; there was no peace in the valley of this marriage. He has cried so many days and nights, he has said sorry so many times, he has asked forgiveness numerous times, he has gone to **** and back, and not to mention he has been whipped with many stripes by *** because he knew the will of ***, and he did not abide by ***’s word and commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery!!!!!!!!!

It is with my sincere hope that all that read my story will receive courage and be inspired to know that there is ***’s healing power after the affair. Many people think that true Christian’s man or woman cannot fall into sins just sinners, but we have an adversary that is waiting in the cut to steal, kill, and destroy ***’s people. All Satan need is a little crack to cause problems in your marriage. I would like to leave a thought that helps me go and grow through my husband’s infidelity: I had something better going for me than what others have done to me. *** is with me. I will prosper because HE is with me. He is on my side, therefore NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME AND MY FAMILY SHALL PROSPER. What others have done to me cannot hurt me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me. What he and she and others meant against me cannot hurt me. *** turns it around for my good. Make it your choice to FORGIVE, but it is ***’s choice to heal the broken-hearted and help you to forget your spouse’s sin and move forward.

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