Lance O’Bleness — Texas

I just want to warn ladies in the Houston/Kingwood/woodlands area about this gem of a guy! Lance O’Bleness, “CEO of The Woodlands Marketing Agency.” Not only is he too broke to be a sugar daddy, he also skips out of paying tabs at bars and will try to record you having *** with him against your will! Don’t believe me? Make sure you do your research! He’s already been to jail before for doing this! Complete slimeball who wants to sleep with anything and everything (condomless might I add!) Steer clear!

5 thoughts on “Lance O’Bleness — Texas

  1. This man is a pervert, he has hidden cameras that record children when they are naked he also has a hidden camera in his bathroom at his home. he was also arrested for his hidden camera recording sexual intercourse with his ex-girlfriend without her consent then he tried to blackmail her for money or he was going to post it on if she did not pay him, but she was the one that put his *** in jail. more info at

  2. DO NOT BUY FROM Creative Services is a scam. I paid 1,500 to Lance O’Bleness have him do me a website site, he has stolen my money never did any work. If you hire Lance O’Bleness from Creative Services use extreme caution.

  3. Lance O’Bleness KNOWS beyond ALL DOUBT that his SEO service is a complete total scam and my website got sandbox by google. He used spamming links that hurt my website. Lance O’Bleness is a scam artist STAY AWAY from Lance O’Bleness and his website

  4. Did you know he is a registered *** offender? He raped a one-year-old baby boy and went to prison for 9 years? He has done his time but has to register as a *** offender for the rest of his life. He can’t be around any children if caught he will go back to prison

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