Lana Karstens

Lana Elizabeth Karstens brought her flap jack waterballons ******* down to Denver to STALK, FOLLOW, HARASSING, PIMP, STEAL FROM ME. This stinky low life RACISTmeth friend owes TEXAS cartels whole lotta money and is hiding out from them in Denver. Stanky the mongoose grape ape giant size gutter rat is a SNITCH for the FEDS AND POLICE. Lana makes up lies to the police and the feds and deflects her crimes on innocent people to have them arrested for allllllll her horrendous crimes. And let’s not forget to mention while infesting her DATES, RIDES, JOHNS, DRIVES with HPV, herpes, and STD’S that are not known to scientists; LANA has inmates that if they help with her SNITCHING career that they can get an early release from Texas Prisons aka TDCJ. LANA is trying to force, beg, intimidate me to prostitute myself to pay for her dope habit and cheeseburgers. Lana ruins lives faster than you can blink while the Government does nothing but watch because she has to produce so many people for crimes they never committed. The nastiest catfish from the gulf, Lana pretends to be men, women, children and sends the people she meets online the innocent unsuspecting person whereabouts claiming their prostitutes or want to roleplay. Lana is the size of a sasquatch but smells like the RED TIDE. If you speak to someone you met online with a childlike annoying voice then CALL THE POLICE BECAUSE ITS LANA THE HOE PROSTITUTE WHO BEFRIENDS *** OFFENDERS AND PIMPS OUT PEOPLE WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE. This stalker smokes so much meth that she believes for all her snitching along with a favorite fellow TDCJ inmates that she will get a MILLION DOLLARS, NEW IDENTITY, A PRIVATE JET, MANSION, AND A INNOCENT WOMAN TO BE HER *** SLAVE ALONG WITH SOME SICK PERV MEN. LMAO. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE INFORM THIS DELUSIONAL BIG CHIN HOOKER WHO LOOKS LIKE HER FACE WAS HIT WITH A BAG OF ROCKS THAT HER TITLE LOAN IS PAST DUE ON HER SILVER 4 DOOR JAGUAR? GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH HOE CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU BEEN CHEWING ON CEMENT. Oh, AND you can find her fake HOUSTON ADDRESS ON VERECOR. ALL Miss Piggy does is lie lie lie. If you fall for this wobbly horrible body funky homeless cop calling snitch then you’re an idiot. De Lana can’t come up with ideas on her own so she uses Gossip Girl as her method of brainstorming ways to ruin people’s lives. Lana also uses animals for sale and other items in her ads on Craigslist as a cover for her *** prostitution RING!!!!!!!

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