Ladbrokes — Broke agreement and terme and conditions

am messaging you because I feel you have failed in your process for duty of care. Since january 2023 to febbraury 2023 .I was able too deposit more than I could afford to gamble,ie in excess of eleven was only after three months that you phoned me up too advise me of this fact .and this information from you has come as a huge shock too me .although you didn’t force me to gamble I strongly believe that you should have set deposit limits on affordability. Especially for those that are vulnerable, ie no will power like myself. This huge gambling loss has affected me, and I am struggling with work ,and also my social life has been affected, due to me struggling with the enormity of what has is only after losing that you can fully appreciate the damage that online gambling does, so therefore I am asking you too consider a partial refund,.my wife works two jobs now and we are in debt because of this. Please let me know what you decide as I do feel that you are accountable. Two months nearly 2 thousand pounds. £800 a day.if there is no positive action from yourself, then I will escalate this issue to another governing body. Attached is just part of the deposited funds via Wise card. Due too the fact they only transferred me to the player protection team, after three months anx asked me all sorts of personal questions, that should have been addressed right at the start of my gambling. But no ,they thought they would let me lose a huge amount, that I couldn’t afford to lose,and only then contact me. It should never have got to this point to start with. I would be grateful if you could ask them for a partial refund. Ad this loss as previously mentioned, is now ruining my life. Refund of.the 80% of all the Money they let me deposit with no caring ad restrictions(1600) wins at all.

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