Watching heavy rescue 401 an incident involving what was described as a truck hauling “butane” which overturned and was close to coming into contact with an overpass and exploding. I would like to state this was not “butane”. But clearly marked “COMPRESSED LP GAS” with a placard marked “1075”(propane). Butane is different. And failure to mention that a bulk road transport of “1075 COMPRESSED LP GAS” is concealed in a tank consisting of 1” thick almost indestructible solid steel walls and is also one of the safest compressed gasses to transport and for health(not causing any proven adverse health issues). Get your facts and information correct and complete or don’t describe if you don’t know. I have been hauling “1075” for years and your channel makes it seem dangerous and yet it is so safe!!! Correct and correctly describe incidents or don’t describe at all. Maybe contact someone with some knowledge.