Lack of customer service

I have used Priceline before without any issues. This recent trip was frustrating. For whatever reason, the itinerary would not come through to either of my emails or text number. All I had was the contract showing the airline, car rental company, and departure time. I don’t travel often and find it generally stressful, but this trip was even more so because I felt like I did not have the information I needed. I called multiple times and used the chatline before my flight. Only one Rep really tried to help me. The others said they emailed me the info and to check my inbox later when it didn’t come through, even though I explained that there was an email issue and I wouldn’t get the info. Once at my destination, I found out that the car rental location was 7 miles from the airport when I asked for one at the airport. When I called Priceline to see if I could change the reservation, the Rep let out an audible sigh like he really didn’t want to be on the phone trying to help me. At this point, I had been up since 2 am (it was around 4 pm at the time of the call, I was traveling by myself and I needed some guidance. My response to your Rep was Exactly. All he offered was rentals are not refundable or transferable. I understand that people have bad days, but to have all but one Rep (who was amazing and tried every way to get the itinerary to get through to me the night before my flight), act like I was an irritation left me feeling very sad and let down. And I hope the calls were recorded so you can hear that I was not rude in any way. Traveling for some of us is not a fun time as it is, but to then be left feeling unsupported by the company you trust to make it a little easier…well, I’ll leave it there. First, have a Rep contact your IT to see if they can figure out why I could not receive the itinerary. If that is not successful, provide all detailed info over the phone. 2nd, remind your Reps that when on the phone, they are hired to provide service with a smile on their face. Comments or sounds that express frustration can be heard by the customer which weakens trust and elevates frustration on the customer side. If they don’t want to do the job, then find a new one.


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