Kyle Winniski — Edmonton, Canada

Kyle Winniski lives outside of Edmonton if anyone knows where he is at his best big house, 2 Jeep’s, he threatens his advisory’s with his GF like she’s a big threat to hide behind Luna Patuna is the gf he sells for other men to **** her in front of him in a big house. De Kyle Winniski is a rat a very dry rat. His Gf is Extra Income for his fantasy life to talk about how he is somebody with the Canadian Army now. Kyle will threaten to Get the Canadian army to you as his back up his gf has the same threats. Most Canadians are not as fuked up as Kyle Winniski or Luna Patuna. Everything that Goes up, Goes Down if gravity has something to do with it. Tuff rat the toughest dry rat in Alberta. Facts 100% his GF is a wannabe gangster. This is Edmonton Areas Fort Mac runaway a rat is a rat even a scaffolder like Kyle Winniski

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