KuCoin — Deposit to my account is held up by KuCoin

Hi there, A while ago, I sent 500 USDT payment from my KuCoin account to a crypto project (Big Time) with an intention to buy their NFTs. However, at the time, they accepted only USDC. Therefore, they initiated a refund process, where Tether helped facilitated to return the funds to my KuCoin account. The deposit address at KuCoin has changed between the original and refund transactions. This is evident in their platform and I have the screenshots and transaction hashes to prove this. However, KuCoin has held up my funds and not releasing it. I have been in touch with them and have provided all the transaction hashes, screenshots and communication with Big Time etc. Despite all the evidence, they are refusing to refund my money. All I would like is to get my funds back. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this, please.

Thank you,

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