Krystal Santos — Providence, Rhode Island

Krystal Santos had *** with my husband for phones, and a car all while she was Prego with her youngest. She sleeps with everyone’s man. She’s an alcoholic low life who gave up her kids for the D and liquor… beware, ladies, she will never have a successful relationship, so she is ****-bent on ruining everyone else’s… she has numerous kids and the paternity is questioned and unknown on most of them. It’s sad that her kids have to witness their drunk mother do all this… when she does get visits they are of her kids watching her get drunk and suck and f every and any guy she can. She’s downright nasty and she should worry about trying to be a woman instead of a drunk thot!!!! She always says “why does everyone call me fake and a homewrecker” …..hmmmmm if the shoe fits, lace it. We are all just calling it how we see it.

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