Kristin Berg — Minneapolis, Minnesota

Kristin Berg has been caught snapping, messaging, dating, calling my friends husband. Why??? At first we gave her the benefit of the doubt… (Maybe she didn’t know….) NAH, When you send a message asking someone if they can talk in the middle of the night and Siri tells you to call and you get an angry wife on the other line wouldn’t you defend yourself? Not this gem… She called my friends husband, got the angry wife and hung up…. Husband has been caught at her apartment…. Kristin has received messages from angry wife asking her to stay out of their 7 year relationship…she responds with only threats of police action.. (For What?.. No one threatened you we were just hoping you would spread the truth) Please tell me women out there? Since when do we start raising our children to not have any respect for ourselves? Since when is it ok to interfere in another persons marriage? Since when is it ok to make yourself available for married men?? This is not acceptable to me… Maybe someone will see this, that knows Kristin….Maybe you will be able to explain to her the morals she is obviously lacking.

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