Kristen Mascitis — Leicester, Massachusetts

This dumb woman took advantage of my boyfriend and me going through a really hard time in our relationship. And HIM – He lied to me for months when I knew something was going on and just didn’t have proof. He turned me into a full-on psycho. But she helped him. They started banging when our daughter was only a couple of months old, wearing a wardrobe given to us by this b*tch because she lost custody of her child due to drug abuse. I have been in love with this man for my entire life. He’s flawed, very very flawed, and he was weak and make a very very stupid decision by ******** around with her. But his worse mistake was letting her in on personal details. She knew that we were clearing out our house of all the accumulated junk and that our super picky landlady was threatening to call DCF (she’s just old and particular, our house was cluttered with STUFF, not actual trash, my dad cleans out estates, and he would just drop things off that I’d refinish and/or sell for him on craigslist) so SHE ******* called them! Told them there were drugs in the house and that he was an alcoholic because she figured if our kids were taken away he’d leave me for her. I only found out about that recently. He found out when they didn’t take our kids away because there was no alcohol and no drugs in our house, but he wasn’t about to tell me that his slam pig called them, so he just let me believe that it was the landlady. He’s alcohol-free now, the last time I found dirty pictures on his phone he broke down and told me the truth about all of it. How they were ******** around at work, in our CARS, at his parent’s house, and at her place for MONTHS while he was treating me like sh*t and making me believe that I deserved it. He finally came clean a month ago, and this woman broke up with her boyfriend right after I sent HIM a message with all the details. She felt no remorse and still works with my MOM who was her FRIEND before all this **** happened. She even reached out to me to become friends, but instead of following through, she started ******* with the father of my children instead. Moral of the story: If everything points to him cheating, he’s ******* cheating. Don’t bring anything to him until you get the proof, because it gets harder every time you talk to him. The same goes for guys – women are usually better liars and better at hiding it, so dig deep.

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