Kristen Cummins — Union, Ohio

Well seems like she can’t stay off of this site! Makes post number 2 for her. Let me just get this straight, my husband is most definitely more at fault here. But this girl has got her **** sick and twisted. My dumbass husband lied about something and I got in trouble and was gone for a month. I was 24 weeks pregnant with our second. His stupid *** made a POF and found her, not even 9 days after I was gone she was in my house with her 2 children and watching my son too. Everything I owned was in the house, my pictures were up too! She knew he was married, knew I was pregnant, knew everything. Yet she still slept in my house in my bed. ****, she used one of our USED *** toys too. She talked to me too, tried to make friends!?!?!?!?! And had the audacity to tell my husband she was uncomfortable with our family photos and mine up. SHE WAS IN MY HOUSE! The funny thing is she was his little slave, but he still dropped her ***. And after all, was said and done she had the guts to tell me how heartbroken she was and ask what’s wrong with him and tell me she missed my son. GTFOH! And again I know, he’s the cheater, he’s the one who broke his vows blah blah blah. Doesn’t make her any less of a ***** who didn’t give a **** she was about to ruin a baby’s chance at a whole family and watch my 4 yr old go through ****. He hated her and her kids and kept asking daddy if mommy could come home. Let’s see how long before post 3 for her comes.

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