Krissy Schuh that lives in West Hollywood

Krissy used to be a friend of mine and my GF’s too.

Years ago she gave me Legal advice. And typed up a few form letters I needed.

Then later I read online that in 2012 she was Disbarred. So basically.

De I had no idea. And she never lead on that she’s no longer a practicing Attorney.

Then I hear last year she’s involved in investment Fraud. She stole money from her Investors for a start up. She scammed them.

I showed my GF all what I found and read online. My GF was shocked.

8 thoughts on “Krissy Schuh that lives in West Hollywood

  1. I don’t have anything nice to say about Krissy Schuh. She’s a Drunken wet mess… And yes. She’s a con Woman. She didn’t even have a real Business. What she had was a Ponzi Scheme. Her Business the Barseen App. Was nothing. She didn’t even have a real place of Business. A PO Box that was it. Her Accountant Be Free Accounting and Bookkeeping dropped Jrissy Schuh in 2017 after being sown proof that Krissy was in taking a ton of Investment money. I was told that Krissy was ******. And she threw her usual Bytch Fit.. On Thanksgiving night in 2019. She was Drunk. Got into figgts with guys at a Gay Bar. It was put on YouTube. I saw it. Unbelievable. She called the guys Focken F@ggots and you see her slamming the door when she goes to leave.. Woukd a real Woman that oporated a real Business act that way…. **** No.. She was sued and the Lawyer Defending her Michael Joseph Gulden lied in Court. And he was Disbarred. He can no longer practice Law in California.. In 2020 her Ponzi Scheme Business closed down. I heard a Court order forced her to shut down and they froze all of her Assets.. And I had no idea too that she used to be an Attorney. And in 2012 she was Disbarred. She stole a huge amount of money from a Client. Incredible.. Look Google Her. I read News on her. Tons of Blogs. Lot’s of Comments people posted.. Totally.. One guy posted he called her out. And he said she texted him swearing. He posted online her Texts. Crazy right. It’s all so true.

    1. I saw the Youtube video. You can see her in full force. Calling guy Fujcen F@ggots. And other words. Mind you she was in a Gat Bar…. Calling us Queers and good for nothing pieces of shyts. Looking for the guy to fukc.

      I wish the Police were called. That would have been the icing on the cake.

      But she left slamming the door.

      And Giovanni Vitulli was working that night. He was Bartending.

  2. I knew Jrissy when she was a Lawyer. In 2014 she was Disbarred…. Which I hadn’t known. I paid her for Lawyer advice and to write a contract for me. I found out that Contact wasn’t Valid because Krissy was no longer able to Practice Law. So I ended up getting screwed out of a lot of money. The Contact I had. Had no Merit. And Krissy knew it. She knew she wasn’t suppose to give Legal advice and to do anything with Law. I paid her 2k that she asked for. And she never lead on that what she was doing she wasn’t suppose to be doing. And she took my check.

  3. Krissy Schuh and Sally Kushner are two Dyjes that had Barseen App and stole thousands of dollars from people.

    They had over 60 Investors. And been sued many times for Fraud n Money laundering.

    The Barseen App been shut down. By order of the Judge. And they are out of Business and Broke.

    Thise Dykes can Fukcen rot. They are scum. And you know. They fukced over so many people in the Gay Community.

  4. I saw the Youtube video. You can see her in full force. Calling guy Fujcen F@ggots. And other words. Mind you she was in a Gat Bar…. Calling us Queers and good for nothing pieces of shyts. Looking for the guy to fukc.

    I wish the Police were called. That would have been the icing on the cake.

    But she left slamming the door.

    And Giovanni Vitulli was working that night. He was Bartending.

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