Krissy M Schuh. Been Indicted by the Grand Jury for Fraud.

Kristin Schuh was Disbarred from Law back a few years ago. Then started an App called The Vestigate. She takes Investors money. Promises high returns. They go in with full trust. And later learning when the time comes when they want their money when the contract expires. She refuses to return it. They end up having to take her to Court and Sue. She’s running a scam. It’s been noted her con she has going is. More or less a Ponzi Scheme. If you look her up online. You will see plenty of Lawsuits and Judgements against her. And she’s also been sued by South West Law School. She puts on a good front on telling you how great her app is and the financial potential it has. But where’s the Financial potential when the Investors has to sue her to get their money. In one Law suit. The court granted freezing her bank account. She immediately closed that account and moved the money. To prevent access to have her money frozen. And she wants you to believe you can trust her. Hearing all this….. How could you. All these facts are entirely true. 100 percent…. She will take your money and run.


6 thoughts on “Krissy M Schuh. Been Indicted by the Grand Jury for Fraud.

  1. I have nothing good to say about this Woman. She’s a liar and a con artist. She stole a lot of money from people. Her Business Partner Sally Kushner as much involved. And their Lawyer they had too Michael J Gulden. He was Disbarred in 2019. His investment in hiding their money and lying to the Court. Today Barseen App is non functional. Not working. And their Business been shut down. And a lot of their Investors that trusted them lost their money.


    Gary Sparks

  2. They are. Them two nothing but thieves Them two as I read on other pages two Con Woman looking for thier next Victim.

    Watch out for them. And don’t at all be foolish in trusting them. Cyz you will lose out like the other 60 people they stole money from.

  3. I have heard everything that is to be heard about them. I read a ton of things online too. Nothing good. Nothing nice. All saying how many people they screwed over for their selfish need to thier greed for money. They screwed over friends they knew. I read they stole from over 50 people.

  4. OMFG.
    I met them. Years back.
    Wholly Fukk.
    I gotta tell Jay…
    I thought some weird shyt was up when I met them.
    I told Jay this…
    And wholly fukk… I was right.

  5. OMFG. . I met them. Years back. . Wholly Fukk. . I gotta tell Jay… . I thought some weird shyt was up when I met them. . I told Jay this… . And wholly fukk… I was right.

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