— Refund issue

I had to change the connecting flight which I bought on with the reservation number of 292312834, because of transit visa problems. Even this part was a difficult process psychologically and physically, but that’s another story. I had made a baggage payment for the first flight and during the ticket change, I specifically asked them about it, and I got ation that the luggage selector is the same. But that was not actually! And I faced this reality on the day of my flight and I called the kiwi customer service to resolve the situation. So in the phone call and also the e-mail I received about this conversation, kiwi ed that my baggage payment was refunded and that if I send the bills of my extra baggage payments to them, I will receive a whole refund. But again what they are saying is not a reallity! My baggage payment, which they claimed to be paid within 10 days, after 1 month still not paid! Also, as they said, I uploaded luggage bills that I paid for each transit flights and then I received a response that they would not pay anything! In this response, they were saying that I can discuss about the situation from the helpdesk but they never returned any of my messages and I wrote them many messages and many times, I could not get any response. when I tried to reach them over the phone line again, an automatic voice guidance stating that they gave priority to their customers whose flights did not happen yet, and I have to use the system, write them in helpdesk and then hang up. And as I mentioned before, I haven’t received any reply to any of the messages I wrote on the web. First of all I need an apology for this horrible behavior that I’m receiving from kiwi constantly! My psychology and also physiology affect me in a big and bad way because of their indifferent and inconsiderate attitude and of course, I want to get the whole baggage price that I paid, the whole…

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