Kirill Andrushkevich — Toronto, Canada

Kirill Andrushkevich who was married twice before is a serial rapist and a child *** predator on the *** offender registry in Toronto Canada. Kirill Andrushkevich in Toronto Ontario Canada (more like from the Burlington / Oakville area) is a filthy disgusting criminal cartel immigrant from Minsk Belarus who has brought with him his litany of organized crime and violent thug-like behavior! As soon as Kirill Andrushkevich arrived in Canada, he was arrested, tried and convicted of offences such as car theft, break and enter, fraud, etc. which later escalated to more violent and serious offences along the lines of sexual assault, forcible confinement, kidnapping, extortion, sexual solicitation of minors, making and distributing child ***********, etc. Kirill Andrushkevich was recently released from prison after serving a lengthy jail sentence for raping several young boys and girls, many of whom were vulnerable helpless children. Kirill Andrushkevich is now on the *** OFFENDER REGISTRY. Kirill Andrushkevich is dating this stripper turned hooker Katie Hourigan who seems to have no issues with Kirill Andrushkevich’s crime-ridden lifestyle and nefarious motives. Women and children everywhere need to watch out for this freak Kirill Andrushkevich who is a major news story just waiting to happen!!!

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