Kimberly Fenty — Meridian, Mississippi

Kimberly Fenty is known around our area and being known in her case isn’t a good one. She has cheated on every boyfriend she’s been with. She has physically abused all of them and would attempt to send them to jail even though she would start the hitting. She walks around town acting like she’s something special when we are all looking at her like she’s a nobody. She’s known to spread her legs for any man that is willing to sleep with her and she doesn’t care if the man is with someone or married. She will lie through her nasty teeth and to your face that she wasn’t messing with your man until the proof comes out. She walks around town acting like she’s tough all because she’s from New York. Her whole family is a hot mess and are the reason why meridian is completely going to ****. They relocated here cause her mother (a home wrecker as well. Will f$$k for food and money) stirred up **** in New York and got caught. Kim thinks she has every right to be a two-faced *****, but she is completely disrespectful and just flat out rude and doesn’t care. She laughs at anyone with disabilities, she makes fun of anyone with medical issues, hates when she knows someone else is prettier than her and tries to call them out in public causing a scene. She should’ve stayed in the ghetto because she’s a clown here. I am friends with her now ex-husband and he had to go to the ER 4 times just because she wanted to stab him for no reason, hit him on the head with anything, punch him, and so forth. She has threatened to kill him if he left her and left meridian and that she would find any way to get a hold of him through her “contacts” to make sure he gets hurt or badly hurt to the brink of death. He wasn’t allowed to do anything or talk to his own family out of her own pure jealousy and insecurities. She would constantly cheat on him with his friends and brag about it..some of those men are married and she knows they are married with kids. Does she care? No. As long as she allows any man dumb enough to touch her she thinks she’s hot ****. She’s just an easy side piece that’s so delusional and doesn’t care who’s home she’s wrecking. She’s manipulative and will use any man for his money, home, and anything else. When her ex-husband got laid off the abuse started because he wasn’t bringing in the money she thought he’d still make after she married him. That poor man would work his *** off and she would walk around town treating him like **** and talking about how crappy of a husband he is. She lies constantly and will sleep with anyone that’s willing to feed her ugly fat ***. She cheated on her ex-husband so much she couldn’t even tell him who the real father of her kid was. She slept with that many men in the town in the matter of almost two months. She still pinned the child as his even though she was only 3 weeks along. She has blamed him for her cheating when she was doing it before they got married! She’s made up false pregnancies and has made false rumors about her ex to make herself a victim. She’s a manipulative lying witch that’ll use you until you no longer benefit her needs. She has her kid calling half the town “daddy” because everyone has been to that broken ride. Woman check your husbands facebook since she likes to add everyone even men she don’t know. She will try to intimidate you with her connections but she has none. She is a bold face liar and will do anything to ruin someone’s life. Her own ex husband moved to Hawaii to get the heck away from her psychotic ***! Check those friends lists ladies and their phones, and email. She has a thing for men that wear a uniform of any type or straight up convicted felons/dope dealers. She don’t care if the mans married and has even asked her neighbor that’s married with four kids to come over and get a hand full of her nasty ***** and to see her self-pierced nipple piercings. She doesn’t care about her kids safety when all these random guys are coming over. She keeps in contact with even convicts that she’s met while working at the prison! Somehow one inmate managed to send her a pic in his cell and sent it to her. Again, ladies watch out for this joke of a female and her nasty mom and nasty sister. They’re drama starters that claim hood but wuss out or get their ***** beat. She will drag her next husband/victim thru the mud and make him broke. When he can no longer deliver what she wants she’ll beat on him. *disclosure: she had admittedly told her ex she has gone to the dr because of blisters…he asked her what medication and she said valtrex. She’s messed with or slept with a bunch of men here so beware and ask questions if he’s been with her or anyone who’s current bf was once dumb enough to sleep w/her and get tested!*

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