Kimberly Belanger — Northfield, Minnesota

This woman preys on married men. She admitted to my husband, while having an affair with him, that she had already cheated on her boyfriend of less than a year and that her family disowned her because she screwed her brother-in-law. She has no mercy. She will tell your husband that she thinks you are a wonderful woman, just to bring him closer and believe that she is supporting him. She has children by different men (none are my husband thank ***) and uses them as pawns in her games. She is manipulative. She takes men who have never cheated before and walks them through the process…making them feel like she is their only option. She is disgusting. She acts like a child and jumps around on beds yelling “Isn’t this fun?”. She fills her life with unicorns, fairies and dragons…just check out her pathetic Facebook page. And when I told her boyfriend about the affair, she couldn’t handle it. She told every person that my husband and she worked with about the affair…including family members. She is a pig and I want nothing more than to stand on the rooftops and scream it. So this is my warning.

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