35 yo Goshen girl. Lookout guys and gals this one is too hot to touch. She prefers men in their 60’s with money, (father figures)but has the reputation of dating several men at the same time. She also likes female partners. She flip/flops. Tells you what you want to hear. check court records in surrounding ohio counties. She is a real stalker. Don’t leave her alone in your house, she will destroy it. Don’t go to sleep with her in your house she will go outside and cut the shrubs in your yard flush with the ground. Don’t loan her a car, she will take a hammer to it. She cannot keep employment. She stays up all night and sleeps all day. She still lives with her mother and her illegitimate son. Her mother is responsible for her and her son. She claims she was raped at age 12, that is the reason she uses to go to shrink and take meds to help her cope with everyday life. There is no records of this rape. You can judge this person for yourself. She is mentally disturbed. I was told that she had a GPS on her car. what a ride a real eye opener. Cheater in the first degree. what she has posted on this website is mild compared to what I know about this nut case. by the way, as I post this I believe she is in court this minute for contempt. I may have more information later.

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