Kierstin Bowman — Kingston, Canada

Watch out for this little cvm-guzzling s!ut. She will sleep with her best friends boyfriends (WHILE THEY ARE TOGETHER) and then lie about it. She will pretend to be pregnant with anyone’s kid for attention. De she sends nudes to anyone humanly possible & for money after the money is sent She will lie, steal, cheat. She’s a stupid *****. She’s the most selfish person you’ll ever meet. If things don’t go her way she has a hissy fit like a five-year-old. This b**** goes around faster than the f*cking coronavirus. She doesn’t clean up after herself, she’s a complete f*cking slob. She’s genuinely rude and will talk **** about you behind your back but not say a word to your face. She’s a ***** *** *****, and every time she’s told to link up she will ***** out and call her mommy. She will sleep with anything that walks. Her ***** Stanky and fishy. JUST SAYIN. She’s invested with HEADLICE. She would rather spend her time sleeping with guys than with family and friends. She sleeps with multiple guys at once and if they don’t give her the relationship, commitment, or attention she will either say they raped her, or she will trap them with a fake pregnancy. DE WATCH OUT FOR THIS DIRTY LYING *****, SHES ALL OVER. NOT JUST KINGSTON, BUT BELLEVILLE, GANANOQUE, NAPANEE, F*CKING TORONTO, AND ANY OTHER SMALL TOWN IN BETWEEN. WATCH YOUR BACK AND YOUR FUKING HAIR, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED.

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