Kevin Luke — Ellenton, Florida

Hey De, Kevin Charles Luke, age 57 born 4/19/63 and resides in a trailer at 3309 Denise Dr in Ellenton FL was convicted of 6 counts of robbery in Ellenton Florida. He was also convicted of several counts of domestic Violence in Ellenton Fl. This dirt bag started very early physically beating and mentally abusing his significant others and all three of his wives This goes all the way back to high school. His first wife from Indiana he beat so bad she was hospitalized for several weeks. He even held a gun to her head and rapped her forcing himself on her and threatened her life. De he also put his pre teen son in the hospital by beating him so bad he broke several of his ribs! On another occasion he pointed a gun at his first wife while she was running from Kevin Luke with he child in her arms and he threatened to shoot them both. She was so terrified she left him and went into hiding for several years. All this can be found in public court records. His second wife (a mail order bride from Russia – because he is so pathetic he can not get a woman any other way) was also beaten and mentally abused so bad that she secretly booked a ticket back to Russia while he was out of town and ran from him, divorcing him from Russia. Kevin Luke’s third wife was also beaten and many times and continually mentally abused by Kevin. He also cheated on her multiple times with prostitutes bringing home sexually transmitted disease —- ewww he’s so disgusting! He was arrested for beating her and has an injunction for domestic violence against him. He also has another injunction against him from a former neighbor for stalking and harassment. This si what this coward does…… He beats woman and children and then he harasses others and stalks them because he is nothing but a pathetic coward!!!

Kevin Luke’s big claim to fame is that he is a retired colonel from the Army. All he truly is and ever was is coward and an *** kisser! Having spoken to several people he served with in the military that have all confirmed his being a coward.

Kevin Luke is a true narcissistic sociopath and psychopath and pathological liar. If his lips are moving he I talking about him self and how great he is and every single word is a lie! He even lies on his dating profiles (hes on ever dating site there is) saying he is 47!!! Can you believe that….he’s 57!!! He is so in love with himself and so fake he had plastic surgery on his fat face!!! He is a true manipulator who will buy woman gifts and take them to fancy dinners to hide who he really is. He even takes classes on how to fool and pick up woman and make them think he is great.

This sick ******* trolls the Internet for weak desperate woman and woman from other countries that he can fool into thinking he is great and wonderful. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Ladies don’t believe a word he says and don’t be fooled by this charlatan. He is an evil cold hearted piece of ****! He is well spoken and because he is such a skilled manipulator and true narcissist his lies seem very believable.

All of this can be verified on public records – do your background search and be careful of this psychopathic piece of ****. He is not a man he’s a coward who beat woman and children and harasses and lies about others in an effort to try to make himself look good

8 thoughts on “Kevin Luke — Ellenton, Florida

  1. Obviously not true. This article was written by David Ezio Misteri and Kevin Luke’s ex-wife (Irina Luke), now Irina Roshchina in an attempt to smear his good name and reputation. They are upset because Kevin was on to their lies and so was the legal system. The fact that they have to post such information online is absolute proof just how miserable and pathetic their lives really are.

  2. More lies from Kevin Luke. I am someone who knows you closely for a short time and witnessed your horrible controlling mentally abusive behavior for myself!!! I also ran a background check on you! You are a narcissist and psycho and should never be around any children! Your criminal record and background check speaks for itself. All, be aware of Kevin Luke! He’s a bad person all around….. apparently always has been and always will be! Plain and simple it’s just who he is!

  3. This is Kevin’s co-worker Vic Lindenmeyer, if your man enough to show your name instead of hiding behind the computer like a little punk *** ***** that you are. Oh yes, I know all about you and your *****. Both of you will never measure up to the man that Kevin is. That is why his sons will never be allowed to be around you dumbass. That is why you have resorted to smearing his good name like the loser and coward you are. Of course we all know you would never say these things to Kevin’s face as you would **** all over yourself as soon as Kevin grabbed you by your pencil neck. I know Kevin well enough to know that he doesn’t have time for you and your whores stupid **** – he’s above that. And if you had any respect for your girlfriend, you wouldn’t be slandering her boy’s father all over social media. I can assure you Kevin is a much better man than I am, because if you ever posted such **** about me, I wouldn’t hesitate coming after your funky ***, and you would regret ever posting my name. If you are who I know you are, and IF your man enough to come talk with me, you’ll be sure to come find me in person. Kevin may not care, but he has a lot of friends who do care and we care for his sons as well. If you know what’s best for you, you will stop posting this false information while you can.

  4. Ha ha ha this is too funny!!!! So glad to have found this! I am also one of Kevin’s coworkers, and I know you to Vic. You’re both cowards. So tough on line hiding behind the internet make threats like the little punks you are LMAO!!! Two old coward piece of craps just like at work!!! So glad Kevin is gone and I bet his boys are glad too!

    Kevin Luke is a **** fake and his so called good reputation is all a big giant lie! I bet a million dollars what these two people wrote about Kevin is the truth. as a matter of fact it is the truth, I looked it up on the Manatee County Court site…. Guilty of multiple counts of theft, domestic violence, multiple injunctions and it goes on and on and on!

    Now he, and his “friends” Vic hide like little children and the ******* they are making threats against people online!!!! Ha ha ha Just another example of Kevin and his friends true character!!! No real man would do that – go find whoever you speak of and do what you say!!! You won’t because you’re cowards and *******!!

    Truth is the truth…. Kevin Luke is just as right piece of ****, plain and simple.

    Thanks for the laughs lmao

  5. Look who’s hiding behind the computer and telling lies. We know who you are Mr. Misteri. Your not honorable enough to work at CENTCOM. Your not even man enough to give your name because you are such a coward. Tell you what I’m going to do just for you. I work in the SCIF. I doubt you even know what it is, but my desk is near the entrance. If your man enough, come over and talk to me like a man. But you won’t. You have to have a TS clearance to be here, something you will never have as a career criminal. You talk a lot of **** about things you know nothing about. If Kevin had actually committed thieft, he would never be permitted to work here. But on the 6 counts you talk about, he was here on the campus 4 of the 6 times you idiot. And he has been handsomely rewarded for all the wrong doing that he had to endure and his TS security clearance. So you need to pull your head out of your *** and move on. Are you already bored from ******** his ex-wife that you have to entertain yourself by smearing an innocent mans name on social media? You both must be miserable. And I’m sure Kevin’s ex is regretting ever leaving him and asking herself why did she give up such a good life to end up with a loser like you. Tell you what, I have something for you. I’ve taken your picture and printed it from your criminal profile and many of Kevin’s friends are standing around your picture, primarily Marines and Special Forces Soldiers. They all know what you look like and know where you live. They are NOT going to hurt you, but when they see you and find you, and they will, they are going to tell you face to face to never post anything about Kevin online again. It’s not a threat, but I believe you will comply. And if you even worked at CENTCOM which you don’t, you would know that our cyber team has already tracked your IP address and we already have you.

  6. Kevin

    It’s obviously your dumb fat *** writing all this BS?? You truly are the biggest dumbest coward and two year old baby that ever walked the face of the earth!!! You did a two year program at the VA court and paid restitution as a pleas deal to get out of your six counts of theft!! Basically you plead guilty because you are guilty!!! You now make threats in other peoples names against Mr Misteri and even go as far as to make up **** about marines and special forces etc. what a joke!!! You know Mr Misteri’s address….. go do what you think you need to do instead of making your coward threats online!!! Mr Misteri is not scared of you or your dumb *** fake “friends” You are the definition of a coward and a pathological liar and a narcissist who has his head sooooo far up his own *** it’s unbelievable!!! Nobody cares about CENTCOM or your other BS! The very fact that you work there just makes everybody else who works there look bad!

    You have never truly sexually satisfied any woman in your life with you small little ****!!! And if you call having a good life by being with you and being physically and mentally tortured by you, it’s another example of how dumb you are!!! Only reason your marriages lasted the short time that it did was because your dumb coward *** was gine most of the time and no one had to deal with your torture…. Not your kids or your ex wife!!! And when you were around your kids and your ex wife had to wak around on pins and needles out of fear of you and the next thing that would make you flip out like a little two year old!!! This is the TRUTH!!!! Same exact thing you did to your first wife and your first two kids and that’s why they don’t talk to you!!! When your youngest boys get older they won’t talk to you either…. Only talk to you know because they are young and because the court forces them to talk to you and because they are afraid of you and what you will do to them if they don’t talk to you!!!!! BECAUSE YOU ARE A MONSTER AND A TRUE CERTIFIED PSYCHO AND SOCIOPATH!!! You are a career woman and child abuser!!!! If Mr Misteri is soooo bad as you claim than you must be even worse for you ex to leave you for him as you claim!!! Ha ha ha loser!!! According to you she LEFT YOU and the “great life” you provided for a career criminal and ultimate bad guy you say Mr Misteri is……. Boy that’s got to sting! LMAO!!! Just shows what a loser you are and what a true man and great guy Mr Misteri is!!! Keep hiding behind your fake friends and the internet and the marines and special forces (all BS because no one has your back). You’re the coward!!! You’re obsessed with Mr Misteri and so pathetic and miserable and can’t move on with you life like a true man. You can’t get a girl or anyone to truly love you!!!! Nobody loves you and all the people who really know you know what a piece of coward psycho **** you are!!!! Man up you little *****!!!!

    Thanks again for the laugh!!!! You’re soooo super entertaining and we all are laughing at you punk!!!

  7. We all know it’s you David Misteri!

    We are the ones laughing! It goes to show you just how dumb a career criminal like yourself is always so stupid. Unless you worked in the SCIF, you wouldn’t know that Kevin is gone, and I know you don’t work here. You will see make believe friends when I come to court and testify my online statements. It’s no threat, but a promise. Your days of ungovernable and bent on a campaign of abuse and harassment is soon coming to an end.

    Yes, I hear your laughter, and it’s a nervous one. In the end, myself, Tom, Steve, Blood, and many others here are going to enjoy seeing you get locked up again. What you don’t understand dumbass, is if Kevin had actually committed the theft, regardless of your accusations of a plea deal, VA court, or whatever, has no bearing whatsoever on him retaining his security clearance. You can’t have a top-secret security clearance having been convicted of theft period. If you actually worked here, you would know that.

    Remember my name really well when I in court testify against you (Vic Lindenmeyer). There will be many of us that day who will come and watch justice be served. Hurt people only hurt people. My friend Kev is happier than we’ve ever seen him, so Go waste your time elsewhere while you still have a chance.

    Kevin is lucky to have finally shook loose his ex. She’s your problem now. We all knew she would be miserable with you, and there is no way you will be able to provide for her the way Kevin did. She already knows this and so do you. That’s why you both are so miserable. Keep laughing that nervous laugh. When you are confronted by his friends, I hope to be there. Nevertheless, it will certainly be a sight and we will all hear about. Your picture has been posted here. Again, we are not goi g to hurt you. We know where you are. I’m done with you now. See you in court if not sooner.

  8. BTW, I just spoke with Kevin and he literally said “David who?”. Now that is way to funny!
    Kevin doesn’t care what you posted because everyone knows its nothing but lies coming from the master of liars, but I can assure you there are others who are fed up with seeing these attacks on an honorable man. Especially coming from a low life who is so miserable, you have nothing better to do than make false accusations against an innocent man. Look at your own criminal record Mr. David Misteri. Your confusing all your multiple injunction violations and trying to place them on a man who has never been convicted of an injunction violation.

    You also want to bad mouth a place you claimed to work out like CENTCOM. You would never be allowed on MacDill because they don’t allow criminals like you, let alone ever step foot on a place your not worthy to walk like CENTCOM. To many honorable people have walked the same footsteps of this combat command and have gone on to serve our country like my friend Kev is doing right now. I remember once Kev telling a few of us that when he walked into the courtroom with his attorney, you had to compose yourself and that you held out your arm and hand to show the judge how you were shaking just by Kevin’s presence and how you feared for your life. I believe it. You can’t lie your way out of this one as I know Kevin has a copy of the court transcripts. They will come in handy when you are brought up on slander charges for attempting to smear a good man’s name. There is no doubt your dumb enough to respond back, and I welcome it because each time you do your only telling on yourself and incriminating yourself with your own words. And if your man enough to talk with me directly, I encourage you to call the CENTCOM help desk and ask for me, they will dispatch you through. But you won’t ever call me. You’re perfectly comfortable as a grown *** man hiding at your mothers house behind a computer name calling and making false accusations and pretending to be somebody else. Now look who’s the REAL child here? Everyone knows it’s YOU!

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