Kevin Headcrow — Edmonton, Canada

First of all this piece of **** goof is a skinner, 22 years old and messing with underage girls he has been since he was 18 always liked them young because that’s all he can pull with his ombré yellow teeth that are more crooked than his fingers, he acts like a hustler and like he’s balling yet but he relies on aish every month and has youth workers taking care of his little musty ***. Deadbeat father he has two kids you wouldn’t have ever known about because he isn’t in their life. He smokes meth with his dad and with method up b1tches he has so many haters but no one wants to go at him since he’s a paperwork rat LOL protective custody kinda guy and brags about it too. He’s fat as *** he has to lift his belly before he whips out his little peanut 😂😭 he got rolled on recently and he called the cops and is getting his youth workers to move him he’s so scared not about **** and will forever rat and hide ahaha and last but not least if your messing with him he has died from his ex summer.

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