Kevin Grochowski — Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Kevin is a deadbeat dad who does not pay child support and runs a floozy ring out of his house. Actually, it’s his father Mark’s house, and despite being 41 years old, Kevin does not have a job, nor does he pay any rent or bills there. Instead, he lets floozies live there in exchange for a cut of the money they make. One floozy that he has fuked in the past without protection is Danielle Lastufka (goes by “Kallie”). De She is hiding out there because she’s on the run from the law in Racine County. He’s also a pathological liar, cheater, and manipulator. If his mouth’s moving, he’s lying. For such an ugly fat guy, he has an awfully high opinion of himself. He also has std and an ugly toadstool like a ***** with a weird curve to it.

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