Kerry Barnett — Edmonton, Canada

This is a warning to all Edmonton area men. This is Kerry Barnett and we met off the dating app Tinder. We spoke for several days before deciding to meet one evening for a drink and dinner. Due to the current circumstances surrounding Covid and having limited options, we put aside our inhibitions and she met me at my place. One drink leads to another and then another and our temptation got the best of us and we ended up sleeping together. We didn’t use protection and she assured me she was on birth control. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life. De she insisted we have *** in the dark and she didn’t want me to go down on her. She claimed she doesn’t like oral ***. A red flag that would come to ruin me for the rest of my life. We hooked up and had intercourse a few times that night. In the morning she got dressed and left and immediately went AWOL after that. I tried texting her that afternoon and got no response. Called that evening and she had blocked my number. I left it alone and just chalked it up to a simple one-night stand. It wasn’t until about a week or so later when I started developing sores around my genitals and broke out in the worst painful lesions ever. I panicked and went to the doctor and sure enough, she gave me STD!! My fuking life is destroyed now because of this woman and I am almost suicidal because of this. My entire self-esteem is virtually gone because of one stupid evening and now I have to live with this condition for the rest of my fuking life. I hope no one ever has to experience the embarrassment of living with an incurable sexually transmitted std that causes painful outbreaks on your groin and thighs. I am now taking daily medication to combat the frequency of the outbreaks but my life as I know it has changed forever because of this woman. I urge anyone to stay away from this person and for the love of *** do not sleep with her. What she did to me is unforgivable and I am living proof that people can be truly evil. Kerry Barnett.

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