Looking For Closure From A Cheating Lying Husband. My husband’s name is KENNETH WILLIAM BENSON. and he is a liar and cheater. Yes this man cheated on me from the second week we were married til the day he left me October 3, 2015. This man I loved with all my heart and soul and would do anything for him. Yes he cheated on me and I returned the favor and cheated on him but my ceats meant not a **** thing. The 2guys I was with I didn’t like and I only used them for convenience of my job and left them cause I really and truely love and loved KENNETH WILLIAM BENSON. i need closure from this man. He has messed up my life and I feel that I will neber be able to love anyone ever again. Yes I sent some pictures to someone and he found them and he asked me about them and I told him they meant nothing cause they lived in another state and I wasn’t moving there and they aren’t moving here and I had intentions of being with anyone but him cause I love and loved him so much but behind my back he was doing something totally different with this girl he said he met the day after he left me on October 3, 2015 and he met her October 4, 2015 but that was a total lie. Kenneth was already talking to this girl DANNEL OREAR bfore he left me on October 3, 2015. I was hurt when he cheated on me the first time and thats why I cheated on him to get back at him and then he goes and tells all these different lies about me and my sons just so he can leave INSTEAD OF BEING A MAN AND TALKING TO ME WHICH HE NEVER DID. He wanted kids after me telling him 5 years ago that I couldn’t have anymore and asking this man 8 different times on the way to get married if he was sure he wanted to go ahead and get married and his answer all 8 times was yes. Even asked when we got the marriage license and when we were at the justice of the peace office waiting to get married. All his answers were yes and now all of a sudden he wants kids but didn’t have ***** enough to talk to me about it cause we could adopt or a number of different other things but this 34year old is no where close to being a man so thats why I guess we didn’t talk about it and I had no clue that he felt this way about it or I would have bought up the conversation myself. **** I had no warning signs that he was even getting ready to leave me until the day he came and packed his s*** and walked out of my life without saying a word. So this is a real man for you. Now if I could get some closure from KENNETH WILLIAM BENSON I will be doing great but until I get the answers I need to my questions I will still be hurt and crying this time next year. It sucks when you love someone so much and would and did do anything for KENNETH WILLIAM BENSON and that love is not acknowledged by this man that you have done for since day one and bfore you even got married to him and I was willing to do for him even after he left but since I was lied on by him saying that we fought all the time I said forget and cut his phone off. Now if he hadn’t done what he did to me his phone might still be on and I would have gotten his motorcycle fixed as well but according to this man I was the wrong doer not him. Go figure. Even thou hes gone I still love him and want him back and I know that it will be a cold day in **** bfore that happens so I will settle for him to call me and explain his self to me and I would love to get a call from his NEW GIRLFRIEND apologizing for taking a married man from a wife who really and truely love and loved her husband. It hurts to cry everyday and to not eat so if I could get a apology from both of them; KENNETH WILLIAM BENSON and DANNEL OREAR it would really be so much appreciated and then they can go on with their life thats filled with so much sin.

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