Kendrick D Brown — Dallas, Texas

Kendrick Dewayne Brown is a lying, cheating, thieving, shady, manipulating, deceiving son of a ***** sociopath who preys on good, caring females. The entire family leeches on people to drain them of your money. Kendrick Dewayne Brown is part of the Family Business of lies, cheating, stealing, manipulating, deceiving, shady, thirsty, sorry *** hustling con artists. The whole family is too lazy to get real jobs so they snake on good, honest, hard working white people and leech every dime they can…with their fake hard luck stories and worthless promises to pay the money back and claim to be Christians to boot. This Brown family is no good. Just about all of the males in the family have been to prison…NOT JAIL, BUT PRISON! They have no regard for the law, no morals, no ethics…just a but of street people who steal from others. Kendrick and Daryl DJ are drug dealers and pimps…the ******* don’t work either..just take from whoever they can

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